VX 2023 v3

30. 10. 2023 Perpetuum Jazzile - 40 let


Time : 20:00
Venue : Ljubljana - Cankarjev dom
Celo leto bo v znamenju našega okroglega jubileja. Obudili bomo vse naše največje uspešnice in hkrati pripravili še veliko novih pesmi. V kratkem bomo izdali tudi prvi singel s prihajajočega novega studijskega albuma, za katerega upamo, da bo navdušil tako vas v Sloveniji, kot oboževalce po svetu.
Da boste lažje pričakali naš veliki koncert v Cankarjevem domu, 28. oktobra, bomo vse leto na družabnih omrežjih (Facebook, Instagram, TikTok in YouTube) delili zabavne vsebine s priprav na naš veliki koncert v Cankarjevem domu, zato nas le spremljajte in se zabavajte z nami.
Obljubljamo vam dvourni, fascinantni ognjemet izbrane glasbe, vrhunske izvedbe, strasti in čustev!
This year will be marked by our big 40th anniversary. In addition to reviving all our greatest hits, we are also preparing many new songs. Shortly, we will release the first single from our upcoming new studio album, which we hope will delight our home audience as well as fans around the world.
To ease the anticipation of our big concert at Cankarjev dom on October 28, we will be sharing fun content on our social media (Facebook, Instagram, TikTok and YouTube).
Be sure to follow us and join in the fun, while we share with you sneak peeks from our rehearsals and preparations for the big show throughout the year!

We promise you a two-hour fascinating explosion of exquisite music and excellent performances, full of passion and emotion!